Physiotherapy Options

Physiotherapy Options

To complement and enhance the healing effects of the specific Chiropractic adjustment treatments, Dr. Hodes will determine if you will benefit from one of the following physiological therapeutic procedures:

  • Ultrasound: This therapy is used to treat joint and muscle problems. It is a similar technology to what is used to diagnostically image inside the body. Small sound waves are used to vibrate and massage the effected tissues and stimulate the body's natural healing process. A slight heating effect also occurs that helps to soothe sore muscles. Ultrasound starts the healing process at the most basic cellular level helping to speed up injury recovery. 

  • Interferential Electrical Muscle Stimulation:  By using tiny electric currents into the effected area many soft tissue injuries can be effectively treated. This therapy has 3 healing effects. First, it helps to relieve pain by stimulating release of the body's natural pain relievers known as endorphins. Second, it helps to decrease spasm or increased tension in muscles. Third, it helps to reduce swelling. This is very effective therapy to aide in the healing process of acute and chronic conditions.

  • Moist Heat Therapy:  Heat helps to stimulate circulation to the area of injury to bring fresh fresh blood flow and nutrients to aide in healing.

  • Mechanical Traction:  Many different conditions benefit from traction therapy including sciatica, disc problems and spinal stenosis. By cycling through distraction and relaxation phases discs that have shifted may be allowed to resume their normal positioning as a result impingement on the adjacent nerves can be freed up. This therapy can provide dramatic relief from leg and arm symptoms including pain, numbness and weakness.

  • Cryotherapy:  Used mostly for acute injuries, this therapy helps to reduce swelling and inflammation.

  • Exercise Programs:  The key to long lasting relief is to stabilize and strengthen the effected area after the acute injury has healed. Starting the right corrective exercise program at the proper time is a big factor in preventing relapses and re-injuries. 

  • Trigger Point Therapy: Painful knots in the muscles known as trigger points often form with overuse or when mechanical spinal conditions are left untreated over a long period of time or managed only with over the counter medications. By releasing the stored up tension the muscles can then resume their normal relaxed state providing tremendous relief.  


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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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